Saturday, April 23, 2016

Hokkaido Trip: Yuki Matsuri, Susukino Site

Day 3, part 1

    We woke up the next day and packed to leave. We wouldn't be staying in the hotel another night because today is the day we were going home. After getting our stuff and checking out of the hotel we wandered back to the McDonalds.

    While waiting for Ryosuke to arrive, Elijah and I decided to order something called the Mega Muffin. Think of a Big Mac but in English muffin form. It was absolutely delicious. 

This is delicious.
    Ryosuke arrived, so finished our breakfast and left McDonalds. Today we were going to the Susukino site of the Yuki Matsuru. This site specialized in Ice Sculptures. Like the previous site, this one had be kinda messed up due to a few days with slightly high temperatures however it was much better preserved than the snow sculptures.

The rest of this post is just the pictures that I took of the ice sculptures so.. Enjoy!

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