Thursday, April 7, 2016

Return to Kiyokizu Dera


    Elijah's mom came to Japan to visit and during that time they went to a lot of shrines, temples and other places. When they decided to go to Kiyomizu Dera I decided to join them even though we have been multiple times. I'm glad I did because we discovered parts of Kiyomizu that we hadn't been to before.

    The front of Kiyomizu Dera has been shown here (Kyoto Trip, Part 1) and here: (Anime vs Reality), so I won't bother showing it again. What we missed before was a ticket booth that you buy a 300¥ ($3) ticket from and a passage way that you need the ticket for. This passage leads to the back side of Kiyomizu Dera. It presents an incredible view of the foliage and nearby Kyoto city.  Sadly, part of the temple is covered up for repairs which you can see in one of the pictures.

    This backside of Kiyomizu Dera is quite famous and is depicted in many movies and anime so I don't see how we missed it the other time we came. Then again... it was raining when we came the first time, so maybe that is a good enough excuse?  Oh well. Anyways, it was really pretty and I took pictures. There isn't really much else to say about it. Kinda hard to describe stuff when you didn't do anything but enjoy the sights, the pictures will do more than I can to describe it.

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