Saturday, May 21, 2016

Miku Expo Osaka 2016

March 31, 2016

    In the years before I came to Japan there had been concert tours for a set of Vocaloids that I really enjoy and I always told myself that if I got the chance I would go. A Vocaloid (literally: Vocal Robot) is a computer program that a lyricist can use to take the lyrics they've written and turn it into a singing voice. It allowed song writers to have their own lead singers and produce their own work.. without having to sing themselves. Vocaloids have become incredibly popular not only in Japan, but around the world. As such, in 2016 there was not just 1, but 2 tours for the vocaloid tour named "Miku Expo". It is a concert tour based around the Vocaloids owned by Crypton, the most popular vocaloids.  1 tour took place in Japan this year and 1 will also tour in America.

    When the concert tour was announced I bought tickets the next day for the Osaka showing. I was so excited. The concert wasn't until march, but I bought my tickets in November! I didn't capture any footage and very few pictures, so here is an example of one of the previous concerts from 2014 in New York.

    I think when most people view that video they will come to the conclusion of "it is just a TV screen, she isn't real. Why did you pay to go watch a TV?". I don't think that sentiment is completely wrong, however, for me it is more of the experience of connecting with all these other people around you who love this just as much as you similarly to why you would go to a concert normally. It is just enjoyable. Plus, they often show off unreleased songs at these concerts. I bought the concert CD because of that.

    In total the concert was about 2 hours long. It was a standing concert in Zepp Namba. The concert hall was INCREDIBLY packed, especially since I was almost late due to issues with my concert ticket. When I got there, it was basically full, so I slipped down the side of the hall and got almost all the way to the from along the side. I was even lucky enough to have a railing to lean on the entire time.

    After the concert I left and just outside the venue there were many cars that had been painted with various vocaloid costumes and characters on them. I took a few pictures before the guards came and told us to move along because everyone taking pictures was blocking the flow of traffic as people were exiting.

It was an incredible experience and I would love to do it again.

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