Friday, November 13, 2015

Aki Matsuri Videos

(Austin) I want to preface this by saying sorry for the lack of updates lately.  School has been pretty busy and I recently started a few new personal programming projects, so when I -did- have free time from school, my time was consumed by that.  The posts over the next few days will be playing catch up on these 2-3 weeks of no posts.

With that said, here are some videos of the Aki Matsuri (fall festival) that Elijah posted about already here.

As a note, something went wrong when recording these videos, so there is no audio. I am sorry :/

This features the festival's Danjiri, a special Box, pushed by the locals that contains the local "Kami", or God.

Another video about the Danjiri, this time focused on the dancing.

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